Time:  May 04, 2022
Location:  12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Location:  Virtual

How will emerging technologies impact my teen? How are algorithms already influencing my children’s attitudes, behavior – and their future? What will the Metaverse be like? How will adaptive learning platforms affect my child? What will the everyday lives of children look like in 5 years?

From virtual reality and AI, to smart toys that talk back and the mysterious Metaverse, new technologies are evolving at an ever increasing rate. Children and Screens’ #AskTheExperts webinar “Here, There, and Everywhere: Emerging Technologies and the Future of Children,” held on Wednesday, May 4, 2022,  addressed parents’ concerns about the future of childhood and technology, and their desire for a foundational understanding of what it all means. An esteemed panel of leading researchers, policy experts, roboticists, tech ethicists and other experts discussed what new and developing technologies are expected to be released on the market in the next five to ten years, how artificial intelligence is currently affecting children and teens, how to navigate the new technologies, and what’s next for children and adolescents for generations to come.


  • Mitch Prinstein, PhD

    Chief Science Officer American Psychological Association
  • Hod Lipson, PhD

    Professor of Engineering and Data Science Columbia University
  • Richard Freed, PhD

    Psychologist and author of Wired Child
  • Rachel Severson, PhD

    Associate Professor Department of Psychology, University of Montana
  • Justine Cassell, PhD

    Professor; Researcher School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University; Inria Paris
  • Seth Bergeson, MBA, MPA

    Fellow; Manager World Economic Forum; PwC AI & Emerging Technologies

Video and Resources

Watch a recording of the webinar "Here, There, and Everywhere: Emerging Technologies and the Future of Children," read the transcript, and view other related content in Learn and Explore.