Time:  Oct 05, 2022 - Oct 05, 2023
Location:  12:00 PM
Location:  Virtual

Did you know that mainstream video games increasingly contain elements that may promote gambling behavior in young people? What are “loot boxes”, casino-type video games, skin gambling, other hidden and more obvious monetization devices that promote betting among players? How do I know whether my child is susceptible to problematic gambling in video games and online social gaming communities?

Children and Screens’ #AskTheExperts webinar “The Lure of Loot: Gambling and Manipulative Design in Youth Video Games,held on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 12pm via Zoom, explored the behavioral impacts on children and teens of gambling elements within video games. A panel of psychologists, researchers, and gambling addiction experts shared ways that parents and educators can identify problematic video games, spot the warning signs of gambling addiction in their children, and start a dialogue to help children think critically about the manipulative design techniques present in so much of their online entertainment.


  • Jeffrey L. Derevensky, PhD

    James McGill Professor; Professor; Directory Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology; Department of Psychiatry; International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High Risk Behaviors, McGill University
  • David Zendle, PhD

    Lecturer Department of Computer Science, University of York
  • Leon Xiao, LLM

    PhD Fellow; Visiting Scholar IT University of Copenhagen; Queen Mary University of London
  • Kev Clelland

    Director of Insight and Engagement YGAM

Video and Resources

Watch a recording of the webinar "The Lure of Loot: Gambling and Manipulative Design in Youth Video Games," read the transcript, and view other related content in Learn and Explore.