Time:  Apr 06, 2022
Location:  12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Location:  Virtual

When is it best to talk to my child about their sexual identity and orientation? How do I best broach a conversation with my child about pornography? How are portrayals of girls and boys in movies and video games affecting their own identity and sexuality? In what ways are the media that children and adolescents consume affecting their interests and knowledge of sex? Are television shows and movies skewing their expectations of their ability to consent or not?

It is time for parents and educators to step in and reclaim the “sex talk!” Social media, television, and the internet have taken the lead on sex education for children and teens around the world. From pornography, sexualized television shows, movies, and video games to discussions on social media and community message boards, young people today are bombarded with sexual information whether they are looking for it or not. It is natural for children, tweens, and teens to have questions about their developing bodies and to begin exploring their sexual interests – what’s important is knowing how to navigate those conversations. On April 6, 2022, Children and Screens hosted “The Birds and the Bees: Sexuality and Screens,” an #AskTheExperts webinar. A panel of interdisciplinary, distinguished experts discussed how to navigate conversations about media and still-developing sexual interests, identities, and behaviors. Psychologists, therapists, researchers, and other experts shared research and practical strategies for parents, clinicians, and educators seeking answers about the media’s role in shaping youth’s sexuality today.


  • Michelle Drouin, PhD

    Professor; Senior Research Scientist Purdue University Fort Wayne; Parkview Health
  • Shelley Craig, PhD, RSW, LCSW

    Canada Research Chair; Professor Sexual and Gender Minority Youth; Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work University of Toronto
  • Jo Robertson MScMed (Sex Therapy)

    The Light Project Research & Training Lead
  • Sharon Maxwell, PhD

    Psychologist, Author, Educator MaxwellEd LLC
  • Cindy Pierce, MEd

    Author, Speaker, Sexuality Educator and Comic Storyteller, self-employed Pinzer Productions, LLC

Video and Resources

Watch a recording of the webinar "The Birds and the Bees: Sexuality and Screens," read the transcript, and view other related content in Learn and Explore.