• Common Questions

    Does screen use affect early cognitive development?

    How does screen use in early childhood affect cognition and brain development? What skills or systems are most impacted?

  • Common Questions

    What are the most effective digital parenting strategies?

    Can parents be too hands-off or too hands-on? How do you parent a child versus a teen online? Is it even possible to supervise a kid in a digital age?

  • Common Questions

    What is Generative AI?

    What is Generative AI? How does it work, and what makes it “intelligent” in the first place?

  • Common Questions

    Are video games addictive?

    Is video game addiction a real disorder? If so, what are the possible signs?

  • Common Questions

    Are some types of screen time better than others?

    Are some types of screen time better than others? How does this change depending on a child’s age or other factors?

  • Common Questions

    How much screen time is too much?

    How much screen time is okay, and how much is too much? How does this change depending on the age of the child or other factors?

  • Common Questions

    Is my child addicted to screens?

    How do you know if a child is addicted to digital devices? What should you do if you think there might be a problem?

  • Common Questions

    Is social media harmful to youth mental health?

    Is social media causing increased rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal among youth? What do we know about the impacts of social media use on teen mental health and well-being?

  • Common Questions

    How does technology affect kids’ social development?

    How do technology-mediated experiences impact social development across childhood? What role do devices and digital media play in social interactions and the development of critical social skills?

  • Common Questions

    Does screen media exposure cause obesity in children?

    Is increased screen time linked to youth obesity? Does time spent watching TV, playing video games, or scrolling social media impact body weight?