Common Questions
Does screen media exposure cause obesity in children?
Is increased screen time linked to youth obesity? Does time spent watching TV, playing video games, or scrolling social media impact body weight?
Parenting Tip Sheets
The Rise of Dr. Google: How to Help Youth Develop Skills to Find Accurate Health Information Online
How can families, schools, and communities encourage digital health literacy and help children use a critical lens to find trusted sources for health advice?
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Online Advertising, Unhealthy Foods, and Black Youth
From #AskTheExperts webinar "Captive Market: Protecting Children in the New World of Online Advertising"
Ask the Experts—Webinars
Social Media and Drugs: What Parents Need to Know
A glimpse into the world of teens and drugs on social media, and practical information to increase awareness and ability to safeguard adolescents and teens