• Ask the Experts—Shorts

    Screen time, Physical Brain Changes, and Gender

    From #AskTheExperts webinar "Minds on Media: The Associations between Screen Engagement and Children’s Developing Brains"

  • Ask the Experts—Shorts

    Techniques for Reading to Children for Language Development

    From #AskTheExperts webinar "Minds on Media: The Associations between Screen Engagement and Children’s Developing Brains"

  • Ask the Experts—Shorts

    Screen time and executive function

    From the webinar "Minds on Media: The Associations between Screen Engagement and Children’s Developing Brains"

  • Ask the Experts—Webinars

    Oh, The Places They’ll Go? Reading in a Digital World

    How is reading on paper different than reading digitally? What are the best practices for young people’s reading both on- and off-screen?

  • Parenting Tip Sheets

    Oh, The Places They’ll Go?

    The Best Ways for Children to Read in an Increasingly Digital World

  • Parenting Tip Sheets

    How to Build Creativity

    Suggestions on How to Encourage Creative Thinking

  • Ask the Experts—Webinars

    How to Build Creativity

    What do we know about how to build creativity?

  • Ask the Experts—Webinars

    Obsession or Addiction? Technology Use and What Parents Can Do

    How can parents recognize technology addiction in children and help children develop healthy digital media habits?

  • Ask the Experts—Webinars

    Summer of COVID-19: Tots and Tech?

    In the midst of a pandemic, how can parents manage raising young children during a summer with less support and altered plans?

  • Parenting Tip Sheets

    12 Tips for Parenting Young Kids During the Covid-19 Pandemic

    Raising young kids can be tricky, even under the best of circumstances