Henry Willis, PhD (Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology Program, University of Maryland, College Park), discusses research into protective factors that help youth of color reduce anxiety as a response to online racism at #AskTheExperts webinar “Anxiety: Youth Mental Health and Digital Media” on October 4, 2023.
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[Dr. Henry Willis] We also know that not all youth of color who experience online racism are affected by it in the same way and one factor that may promote resilience online are racial identity beliefs, which we define as the significance and quality of meaning that race has in the self-concepts of, in particular, African Americans, but also youth of color. And we know that racial identity is protective in that it can help you have a better sense of self-concept and also help facilitate how they cope with experiences of racism. And early findings are showing that these beliefs are related to being proud about their eth- about their ethnicity, which is related to fewer anxiety symptoms, even when they’re exposed to online racism.
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Anxiety: Youth Mental Health and Digital Media
The first in a set of webinars investigating two of the most common mental health struggles of youth today: anxiety and depression.
Sandra Whitehouse, PhD
Senior Director; Senior Psychologist
Erin Berman, PhD
Clinical Psychologist
Sandra Fritsch, MD
Medical Director
Sarah Myruski, PhD
Assistant Research Professor in Psychology; Associate Lab Director
Henry Willis, PhD
Assistant Professor