Common Questions
How does technology affect kids’ social development?
How do technology-mediated experiences impact social development across childhood? What role do devices and digital media play in social interactions and the development of critical social skills?
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Social Media Use and Well-Being
From the #AskTheExperts webinar "Youth Self-Esteem and Identity: The Media(ted) Self"
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Social Media Posting and Self-Esteem Outcomes
From the #AskTheExperts webinar "Youth Self-Esteem and Identity: The Media(ted) Self"
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Risks and Benefits of Media Use for Depressed Youth
From #AskTheExperts webinar "Depression: Youth Mental Health and Digital Media"
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Adolescent Digital Media Use and Anxiety
From #AskTheExperts webinar "Anxiety: Youth Mental Health and Digital Media"
Ask the Experts—Webinars
Ready, Set, Smartphone: A Guide for Families
How should families determine whether a child is “ready” for a smartphone?
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Historical Perceptions of Empty Time and Boredom
From #AskTheExperts webinar “ On Boredom: Screen Time, Free Time, and Child Development”
Ask the Experts—Webinars
The Social Brain on Screens
What are the functions of the social brain in childhood and what strategies can encourage healthy social development in youth?