• Ask the Experts—Shorts

    Pro-Connection Parenting Practices

    From #AskTheExperts webinar "(dis)Connected? Relationships in the Digital Age"

  • Ask the Experts—Shorts

    Modeling Behavior for Quality Personal Connection

    From #AskTheExperts webinar "(dis)Connected? Relationships in the Digital Age"

  • Ask the Experts—Webinars

    PITR, IKR?: Youth and Communication in the Digital Age

    The latest research (and perspectives from teens themselves) on trends in youth digital communication and tips for creating positive and connection-centered communication online or offline.

  • Ask the Experts—Shorts

    Attention, Communication, and Reclaiming Community

    From #AskTheExperts webinar "PITR, IKR?: Youth and Communication in the Digital Age"

  • Ask the Experts—Shorts

    Technology and Intolerance for Solitude

    From #AskTheExperts webinar "PITR, IKR?: Youth and Communication in the Digital Age"

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    How Smartphones Alter In-Person Connection

    From #AskTheExperts webinar "PITR, IKR?: Youth and Communication in the Digital Age"

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    Boredom and Its Developmental Importance

    From #AskTheExperts webinar "PITR, IKR?: Youth and Communication in the Digital Age"

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    Face-to-face interactions vs screen-based connections

    From #AskTheExperts webinar "PITR, IKR?: Youth and Communication in the Digital Age"

  • Ask the Experts—Shorts

    Girls, Friendships, and Cyberbullying

    From #AskTheExperts webinar "Mirror, Mirror, in My Palm: Girls and Media"

  • Ask the Experts—Shorts

    Social Media’s Influence on Relationships

    From #AskTheExperts webinar "Mirror, Mirror, in My Palm: Girls and Media"