• Parenting Tip Sheets

    Video Gaming 101: Healthy vs Problematic Gaming

    A guide from the experts to youth video gaming for parents and educators.

  • Parenting Tip Sheets

    On Boredom: A Guide for Parents and Educators

    Tips from the experts for recognizing boredom and helping children and adolescents work through it in healthy, productive ways.

  • Common Questions

    Does screen use affect early cognitive development?

    How does screen use in early childhood affect cognition and brain development? What skills or systems are most impacted?

  • Common Questions

    What are the most effective digital parenting strategies?

    Can parents be too hands-off or too hands-on? How do you parent a child versus a teen online? Is it even possible to supervise a kid in a digital age?

  • Parenting Tip Sheets

    Youth Anxiety, Depression, and Digital Media

    What parents and educators need to know about media use and youth suffering from anxiety and depression.

  • Common Questions

    What is Generative AI?

    What is Generative AI? How does it work, and what makes it “intelligent” in the first place?

  • Ask the Experts—Shorts

    Age-Appropriate Conversations with Youth About Media Use

    From the #AskTheExperts webinar “Early Childhood Mental Health and Digital Media”

  • Parenting Tip Sheets

    Neurodivergent Youth and Digital Media

    Tips for promoting safety, accommodating sensory processing differences, and minimizing family conflict.