Parenting Tip Sheets
On Boredom: A Guide for Parents and Educators
Tips from the experts for recognizing boredom and helping children and adolescents work through it in healthy, productive ways.
Common Questions
Does screen use affect early cognitive development?
How does screen use in early childhood affect cognition and brain development? What skills or systems are most impacted?
Common Questions
What are the most effective digital parenting strategies?
Can parents be too hands-off or too hands-on? How do you parent a child versus a teen online? Is it even possible to supervise a kid in a digital age?
Parenting Tip Sheets
Youth Anxiety, Depression, and Digital Media
What parents and educators need to know about media use and youth suffering from anxiety and depression.
Common Questions
What is Generative AI?
What is Generative AI? How does it work, and what makes it “intelligent” in the first place?
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Age-Appropriate Conversations with Youth About Media Use
From the #AskTheExperts webinar “Early Childhood Mental Health and Digital Media”
Parenting Tip Sheets
Neurodivergent Youth and Digital Media
Tips for promoting safety, accommodating sensory processing differences, and minimizing family conflict.